The Pumpkin is a Winter Squash that is native to North America. The oldest known evidence suggests Mexico may be the original home of this lovely squash.
The word Pumpkin originates from the Greek word "Pepon"meaning Large Melon. Pumpkins typically range in sizes from 5 to 20 pounds. But as we all may have seen these guys can be as small as a few ounces to being as large as a couple hundred pounds.
Now regardless of the size pumpkins are very nutritious foods with a very low calorie intake. In fact every 100 grams only provide 26 calories. They are also rich in fibers, antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. Which makes it a great choice of food no matter what your eating habits are like.
Pumpkins are very versatile in nutrition, ways of cooking, and the benefits they provide for anybody willing to enjoy pumpkins during anytime of the year.
Firstly I would like to talk about the health benefits that pumpkins provide. The most abundant nutrients found in pumpkins are Carotenoids. Alpha and Beta-carotenes being the most abundant. These two carotenoids transform into Vitamin A once they enter the body.
They're also three forms of carotenoids called cryptoxanthin, lutein and zea-xanthin. These three along with alpha and beta carotenes give pumpkins the bright orange color and the Provitamin A characteristics. Together they make sure to keep your skin cells healthy, maintain your immune system, and provide you with great eye vision.
In addition to Vitamin A pumpkins also contain good sources of copper, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus.
The flesh of the pumpkin can be prepared in many ways. They can be mashed or pureed after boiling them. Or you can make them into a soup by placing them into a blender. You can even make raw pumpkin soup if you are a raw vegan or looking to try a new way to prepare them.
Canned pumpkins which are usually mashed or pureed can be used to heal dogs, cats and humans of digestive problems such as constipation, diarrhea and hairballs(cats). The health benefits and preparation of pumpkins are too many too list. And should be taken advantage of for your own good and your pets as well.
The LifeRegenerator Dan McDonald provides a great raw recipe for pumpkins that is easy and delicious. Make sure to check out his videos on Youtube.
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