Thursday, October 10, 2013

Gopal's Organic Raw Sprouted Pumpkin Seed Butter

Gopal's Sprouted Pumpkin Seed Butter

Gopal's Organic Raw Sprouted Pumpkin Seed Butter is one of the best on the market. The reason being that it comes in two flavors. Salted and Unsalted.

The only ingredient in the unsalted Sprouted pumpkin seed butter is raw sprouted pumpkin seeds. Which is beneficial to our bodies. How so you may ask. Well for one thing vitamins and minerals are greatly increased with any seeds that are sprouted. Secondly it is very easy for your digestive system to break down. And thirdly beneficial enzyme production are increased for any raw food that goes through the sprouting process.

Gopal's Sprouted Pumpkin Seed Butter

This is the second flavor of Gopal's Sprouted Pumpkin Seed Butter. The added ingredient... drum roll please. Stone Ground Himalayan Salt. 

So not only do you get the usual health benefits that comes with Raw Pumpkin Seed Butter.Being a rich source of zinc, phosphorus, protein, magnesium and manganese. But now you the added benefit of Himalayan Pink Salt. Which is known to have 84 essential trace minerals. 

Making it a great choice to use as a natural source of multivitamins.

Whether you plan on making sandwiches, salad dressings, milk, or use as a supplement you will be greatly rewarded by it's taste and quality.

Click Here to buy Gopal's Organic Raw Sprouted Pumpkin Seed Butter NOW!!!

Click here to buy Salted Gopal's Organic Raw Sprouted Pumpkin Seed Butter NOW!!!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Omega Nutrition Organic Pumpkin Seed Butter

Omega Nutrition Organic Pumpkin Seed Butter

Omega Nutrition Pumpkin Seed Butter is great for a wide variety of people. Whether you're using it for health reasons (Prostate Problems) or suffer from nut allergies. Or even if you just want to try something new. This is a great choice you will enjoy.

There are only 3 Ingredients in this great product: 

-Organic Pumpkin Seeds

-Organic Pumpkin Seed Oil 

-Celtic Sea Salt

Nothing more, Nothing less. So your getting the best of the best when it comes to pumpkin seed butter. Though I will admit it is not Raw, but it is Organic. So there are no added flavorings, preservatives, or filler of any kind. You just taste the natural flavors of pumpkin seeds that God intended for you. 

The possibilities of preparation is endless. You can prepare it as an alternative PB & J Sandwich. Or use it as a vegetable and fruit dipping. There are also recipes for soups, breads, and pastas that require pumpkin seed butter as one of it's ingredients. The only requirements needed is your Creativity so let it loose.

As you can see by the Nutritional Label Omega Organic Pumpkin Seed Butter is a great source of various minerals. Zinc which is great for the reproductive glands. Magnesium and Phosphorus for greater abilities in absorbing minerals. And Iron which is used to build up the strength of blood. 

So you can take 1 -2 Tablespoon a day as a natural  multivitamin supplement, to make sure you get your necessary nutrition for the day. 

It's all up to you how you use it.

Click Here for 12 oz Omega Nutrition Pumpkin Seed Butter

Click Here for 20 oz Omega Nutrition Pumpkin Seed Butter

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Dastony Sprouted Pumpkin Seed Butter

Dastony Sprouted Pumpkin Seed Butter

Dastony uses a unique and ancient method to making their Pumpkin Seed Butter. That method is stone grinding. Using perfectly smooth granite stones in the shape of a wheel ensures that the nutrients and flavor stay in tact. While creating a unique smooth consistency that can only be achieved through stone grinding.

Dastony Sprouted Pumpkin Seed Butter starts off being harvested from pumpkins, then de-shelled before they go through the sprouting process. After going through the sprouting process they under go a heating process that never exceeds 118 degrees. Maintaining the healthy integrity of the healthy fats. 

Afterwards they go through the stone grinding process that makes this Seed Butter so unique. All of these steps take 24-48 hours to complete for each jar of Dastony Sprouted Pumpkin Seed Butter. With that much time and effort going into this product. Lets you know the Dastony really love what they do. 

Dastony Sprouted Pumpkin Seed Butter are certified Organic, Kosher, Raw and Gluten Free.

They can be used in a myriad of ways. They can be used as a spread for toast, bread or crepes. Used as toppings on Ice Cream(Vegan or Dairy). Made as a base for salad dressing. Or make your very own Pumpkin Seed Milk.  Enjoy : )

Click Here to get your Dastony Sprouted Pumpkin Seed Butter NOW!!!

The 3 flavors of Sprouties Pumpkin Seeds

Sprouties Pumpkin Seeds are 2 ounce individual packages of sprouted pumpkin seeds. They come in three different flavors. Original, Cheesy, and Savory.

Sprouties Pumpkin Seeds Original

The Original Flavor of Sprouties have two simple ingredients: Organic Pumpkin Seeds and Himalayan Crystal Salt. 

The Pumpkin Seed are  of course sprouted, while the Himalayan Crystal Salt adds vital trace minerals and vitamins. While also provide anti-bacterial and microbial benefits for your body.

Sprouties Cheesy Pumpkin Seeds as very unique in my opinion. They provide a cheesy flavor for your pumpkin seeds, while still being a vegan treat. What makes this possible is adding Nutritional Yeast to the dehydration process. Giving you the Cheesy flavor that you love so much.

Sprouties Cheesy Pumpkin Seeds 

The last flavor to mention is Sprouties Savory Pumpkin Seeds. These contain organic spices when blended together creates a slightly spicy and nutritious treat.

Sprouties Savory Pumpkin Seeds 

The Ingredients are: Organic Sprouted Pumpkin Seeds, Organic Turmeric, Organic Lemon, Organic Ginger, Organic Cayenne, and Stone Ground Himalayan Salt. 

As you can see many of the ingredients are not only good for it wonderful taste, but they are well known for their medicinal qualities. So not only will you be enjoying a tasty treat, you will also provide your body with holistic benefits as well. 

They come in 16 pack packages so you will be able to share them with friends and family. Or, you can be greedy and keep them to yourself. Your choice : )

Click Here to get your Sprouties Original Pumpkin Seeds NOW!!!

Click Here to get your Sprouties Cheesy Pumpkin Seeds NOW!!!

Click Here to get your Sprouties Savory Pumpkin Seeds NOW!!!


Saturday, October 5, 2013

Go Raw Pumpkin Super Chips

Go Raw Pumpkin Super Chips

Go Raw Pumpkin Super Chips are a great snack for those who appreciate Natural Food that taste good. Not only does it taste good but it is good for you. They are also good for those with various food allergies and intolerances. All the ingredients are Organic and tasty.

Both of the Pumpkin and Flax seeds are sprouted so it makes them easier for your body to digest. And if you have any nut allergies you will definitely greatly benefit from these two seeds. Being that pumpkin and flax are technically seeds (not nuts). You can consume as much as you please without consequences.

And you will still be able to receive your protein, zinc and other vitamins and minerals found in nuts. And has the added benefits of Onega-3 and 6. Fatty acids that are great for Brain development.

And for those of you with wheat allergies or gluten intolerance have nothing to worry about. All the ingredients you see here are High quality seeds and fruits. 

As you see from the Nutritional Label these Pumpkin Chips are slightly sweet. While not too sweet they will still be able to satisfy the sweet tooth many of us have from time to time. 

And while Go Raw Pumpkin Super Chips may be high in fat. Know that most of the fats are unsaturated fats. Which are good for cholesterol and skin health.

In closing Go Raw Pumpkin Super Chips is a snack that not only taste good but have numerous health benefits as well. While these chips are not the end all be all to healthy living. (Holistic Diet is a must) They are definitely much better for you than other snacks.

Refrigeration or Freezing is recommended for storage.

Make sure to subscribe to Subscribe and Save so you can receive the Super Chips on a monthly basis at a lower price.

Click Here to get a 6 pack of Go Raw Pumpkin Super Chips NOW!!!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

What makes Go Raw Live Pumpkin Bar so Unique?

Go Raw Live Pumpkin Bar

Are you a Vegan?

Do you love Pumpkin Seeds?

Have you been looking for a healthier version of a protein bar?

If your answer is yes to any of these then you will love Go Raw Live Pumpkin Bar.

Go Raw Live Pumpkin Bar is a unique sweet snack that is great for the Hiking Trails or the office. Nature's version of a protein bar are a great energy boost or a meal replacement if you buy the larger size. Depends on your wants and needs.

Go Raw Live Pumpkin Bar

        Another benefit to this pumpkin bar is that the ingredients are very wholesome on all levels.  
Not only are all the ingredients Organic, but they are Gluten, Soy, Dairy and Nut Free. So if you have any allergies to any of these food groups Go Raw got you covered. Another plus is that all the ingredients are Non-GMO.

Honest Organic Ingredients from Mother Earth Only

Lastly, they are High in Omega-3 and 6 Fats, and High Fiber. Making them very good for the heart, and the digestive system.

13 Gram Bar

1.8 Ounces Bar

Sign up for Subscribe and Save so you can continually receive the bars and save money.

Click here to get a 10 pack of The Go Raw Live Pumpkin Bars(13 g) Now!!!

Click Here to get a 20 pack of The Go Raw Live Pumpkin Bar(1.8oz) NOW!!!

What makes Go Raw Sprouted Pumpkin Seeds so good?

Go Raw Sprouted Pumpkin Seeds

If you read my last post you will know how great pumpkin seeds are for your body. Well I forgot to mention that they are greatest raw. Especially when they are sprouted.

These pumpkin seed are soaked until they are close to germinating, then they are dried in a dehydrator with Celtic sea salt. The process of sprouting increases the bio-availability of all the nutrients to be absorbed into the human body. In lament terms it increases your body ability to absorb the nutrients.

Celtic Sea Salt is natural sea salt from the coast of France that contains trace minerals. And it is also great for replenishing electrolytes and strengthening your immune system resistance to harmful bacteria. 

This is a simple Go Raw Sprouted Pumpkin Seeds that taste very good and is good for you.

Click here to get your 2 Pack of Go Raw Sprouted Pumpkin Seeds NOW!!!

Click here to get your 1 lb. bag of Go Raw Sprouted Pumpkin Seeds NOW!!!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Health Benefits of Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are an amazing food. In my opinion they should be listed as a Superfood for the numerous benefits they provide.

Pumpkin Seeds are great sources of Zinc, Protein, fats, and other vitamins and minerals that will greatly benefit your body.

Zinc are great in abundance when it comes to pumpkin seeds. Most of the zinc in the pumpkin seed is concentrated in the endosperm(The green outer layer). Many times as you may know when you crack that seed open the endosperm attaches to the outer layer. If you want to get the most zinc it is best to eat them shelled.

Zinc are great for the reproductive organs especially the Prostate gland. They also keep the brain, muscles and bones healthy.  

Another surprising fact is that pumpkin seeds contain a wide variety of Vitamin E. Vitamin E in the form of Alpha,gamma, and delta-tocopherol, and alpha,gamma-tocomonoenol. All of these have Vitamin E varieties are great for supporting skin cell growth. Also instrumental in maintaining a healthy tight skin and reducing the risk of wrinkles while aging.

Pumpkin Seeds

Being a great Natural Source of Protein Vegans and Vegetarians can greatly benefit from making Pumpkin seeds part of their natural diet. In fact 100 grams of Pumpkin Seeds provide 30 grams of Protein. That alone being enough to maintain muscle mass and strength. They are especially abundant in amino acids Tryptophan and Glutamate. Tyrptophan is important for elevation of mood while Glutamate supports the the central nervous system.

Pumpkin seeds are rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids such as: Myristic Acid, Palmitic Acid, Linoleic Acid, Oleic Acid etc. which are great for lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol and increasing HDL(good) cholesterol.

And Lastly Pumpkin Seeds are a good source of Vitamin B complex good groups such as Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Panthothenic Acid and Vitamin B-6(Pyridoxine). These Vitamin B groups keeps the nervous system, skin, blood, and brain performing on a optimal level.

Honestly there are so many benefits to Pumpkin Seeds that I could of wrote a series of blogs. But I wanted to keep it as short as possible. So as to not bore you : ) 

So while your enjoy munching on these wonderful seeds. Know that your body is loving you for this wonderful treat.