Saturday, October 5, 2013

Go Raw Pumpkin Super Chips

Go Raw Pumpkin Super Chips

Go Raw Pumpkin Super Chips are a great snack for those who appreciate Natural Food that taste good. Not only does it taste good but it is good for you. They are also good for those with various food allergies and intolerances. All the ingredients are Organic and tasty.

Both of the Pumpkin and Flax seeds are sprouted so it makes them easier for your body to digest. And if you have any nut allergies you will definitely greatly benefit from these two seeds. Being that pumpkin and flax are technically seeds (not nuts). You can consume as much as you please without consequences.

And you will still be able to receive your protein, zinc and other vitamins and minerals found in nuts. And has the added benefits of Onega-3 and 6. Fatty acids that are great for Brain development.

And for those of you with wheat allergies or gluten intolerance have nothing to worry about. All the ingredients you see here are High quality seeds and fruits. 

As you see from the Nutritional Label these Pumpkin Chips are slightly sweet. While not too sweet they will still be able to satisfy the sweet tooth many of us have from time to time. 

And while Go Raw Pumpkin Super Chips may be high in fat. Know that most of the fats are unsaturated fats. Which are good for cholesterol and skin health.

In closing Go Raw Pumpkin Super Chips is a snack that not only taste good but have numerous health benefits as well. While these chips are not the end all be all to healthy living. (Holistic Diet is a must) They are definitely much better for you than other snacks.

Refrigeration or Freezing is recommended for storage.

Make sure to subscribe to Subscribe and Save so you can receive the Super Chips on a monthly basis at a lower price.

Click Here to get a 6 pack of Go Raw Pumpkin Super Chips NOW!!!