Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Health Benefits of Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are an amazing food. In my opinion they should be listed as a Superfood for the numerous benefits they provide.

Pumpkin Seeds are great sources of Zinc, Protein, fats, and other vitamins and minerals that will greatly benefit your body.

Zinc are great in abundance when it comes to pumpkin seeds. Most of the zinc in the pumpkin seed is concentrated in the endosperm(The green outer layer). Many times as you may know when you crack that seed open the endosperm attaches to the outer layer. If you want to get the most zinc it is best to eat them shelled.

Zinc are great for the reproductive organs especially the Prostate gland. They also keep the brain, muscles and bones healthy.  

Another surprising fact is that pumpkin seeds contain a wide variety of Vitamin E. Vitamin E in the form of Alpha,gamma, and delta-tocopherol, and alpha,gamma-tocomonoenol. All of these have Vitamin E varieties are great for supporting skin cell growth. Also instrumental in maintaining a healthy tight skin and reducing the risk of wrinkles while aging.

Pumpkin Seeds

Being a great Natural Source of Protein Vegans and Vegetarians can greatly benefit from making Pumpkin seeds part of their natural diet. In fact 100 grams of Pumpkin Seeds provide 30 grams of Protein. That alone being enough to maintain muscle mass and strength. They are especially abundant in amino acids Tryptophan and Glutamate. Tyrptophan is important for elevation of mood while Glutamate supports the the central nervous system.

Pumpkin seeds are rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids such as: Myristic Acid, Palmitic Acid, Linoleic Acid, Oleic Acid etc. which are great for lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol and increasing HDL(good) cholesterol.

And Lastly Pumpkin Seeds are a good source of Vitamin B complex good groups such as Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Panthothenic Acid and Vitamin B-6(Pyridoxine). These Vitamin B groups keeps the nervous system, skin, blood, and brain performing on a optimal level.

Honestly there are so many benefits to Pumpkin Seeds that I could of wrote a series of blogs. But I wanted to keep it as short as possible. So as to not bore you : ) 

So while your enjoy munching on these wonderful seeds. Know that your body is loving you for this wonderful treat.